Patient Resources

Restore mobility and alleviate hip pain with total hip replacement procedures performed by Dr. Saldanha. Contact us now and reclaim your life and mobility.

Patient Resources

Total Hip Replacement

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Total hip replacement, also known as hip arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure frequently performed to alleviate pain and improve function in patients suffering from arthritis or serious hip injuries. When conservative treatments like physical therapy and medications no longer relieve symptoms, and daily activities become increasingly difficult due to constant hip pain or stiffness, a total hip replacement may be considered.

During the procedure, the surgeon removes the damaged bone and cartilage from the hip joint and replaces them with an artificial joint composed of metal, ceramic, or plastic components. The artificial joint replicates the movement of the natural hip, aiming to restore mobility and eradicate pain.

Recovery from a total hip replacement generally involves physical therapy, pain management, and a phased return to normal activities. Although full recovery can take several months, patients who diligently follow their rehabilitation protocols typically experience significant improvements in mobility and a substantial reduction in pain.

The introduction of robotic technology has significantly transformed the landscape of hip replacement surgery. Robotic assistance allows surgeons to execute the procedure with enhanced precision, leading to more accurate implant placement and potentially longer-lasting prosthetics. Moreover, preoperative imaging is used to generate a 3D model of the patient's hip, enabling surgeons to create a personalized surgical plan based on each patient's unique anatomy. This level of customization can potentially lead to improved surgical outcomes, quicker recovery, and a better quality of life for patients. Thus, the blend of advanced surgical skills and cutting-edge robotic technology represents a considerable leap forward in the world of hip replacement surgery.

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